Merit Badges
Merit Badges give Scouts the opportunity to learn about over 130 skills and professions. Merit Badges are a major component of scouting and some are required for rank advancement. Scouts can pursue any topic however, per of the BSA Guide to Advancement:
Earning merit badges should be Scout initiated, Scout researched, and Scout learned. It should be hands-on and interactive, and should not be modeled after a typical school classroom setting. Instead, it is meant to be an active program so enticing to Scouts that they will want to take responsibility for their own full participation.
Troop 67 Merit Badge Process
Scouts interested in a Merit Badge must speak to the Scoutmaster and request a blue card. The Blue Card tracks the Scout’s progress as they complete the requirements. The scout will be given contact information for a Merit Badge counselor. Troop 67 has several local counselors that can assist your scout to achieve their goal. The Scout, along with a buddy or adult, will meet with the counselor to review the Merit Badge and provide assistance as appropriate. BSA requires that all Merit Badge counselors undergo a background check and pass Youth Protection Training.
Once all requirements are complete, the scout meets again with the Scoutmaster to review their blue card and record their accomplishment. Troop 67 is transitioning to ScoutBook to record Merit Badges and rank advancement however, Scouts should keep their blue cards in a safe place.
Troop 67 Merit Badge Counselors
Troop 67 has numerous local Merit Badge counselors. We try to ensure that all required Merit Badges on the path to Eagle Scout can be found within the troop. Please contact the Scoutmaster to find a counselor to help achieve your goals.